Kick-off MYRE DK-DE 17-18 Jan. 2024

Kick-off MYRE DK-DE: Local practice & joint project

The kick-off meeting takes place in the framework of the Danish-German project MYRE DK-DE.  

The purpose of the event is to achieve knowledge of each other in the partnership, as well as a joint understanding of the foundation, goals and intended results in MYRE DK-DE, with the obligations of the partners.  

The participants in the kick-off are primarily teachers, managers and specialists from the MYRE DK-DE partners. Stakeholders and students are welcome, where relevant for them.

Program, 17 Jan., 12.00 - 18 Jan., 13.00

17 Jan. 2024

11.30 – 12.00   Check-in & welcome

12.00 – 13.00  Lunch & personal presention 

13.00 – 14.00  Guided tour at Regionales Berudsbildungszentrum (RBZ) & about RBZ

14.00 – 15.00  About the Danish partners Svendborg Erhvervsgymnasier (SESG) und Syddansk Universitet (SDU), as well as about the partners in the Danish education chain

15.00 – 15.30  Coffee break

15.30 – 16.00  Introduction to the joint didactic framework ROBOdidactics by Gunver Majgaard, Southern Danish University (SDU) 

16.00 – 17.30  Exchange on experiences with teaching modules that include emerging technologies – see guideline for preparation* 

19.00                Dinner at XX (near the hotel) 

18 Jan. 2024

08.30 – 10.15  The project: Goals, intended final results, evaluations, project plan and execution, administration, (student mobility**)   

10.30 – 11.00  Visit of project class BG23a, Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftsinformatik

11.15 – 12.30    Local implementation and dissemination, planning & next steps 

12.30                 Lunch & departure

** additional activity, if possible: student mobility at high school level, to be planned bilaterally by the Erasmus coordinators 

Sign-up & practical information

Online registration, link is sent to the project managers. 

Location: RBZ, Westring 444, D-24118 Kiel. The meeting will take place in room N1.49 (in the new building). 

Parking: You are welcome to park on the RBZ parking deck. For this, you need a key for the barrier. Just give a quick call by mobile phone. Next to the barrier, there is a column. Press the button, and the barrier will be opened from the secretariat.

Suggestion for hotel is sent to the local project managers.  


Guideline for presentation of teaching module(s) with emerging technologies: 

Duration pr. country: max. 30 min. 

Choose one or max. two relevant example(s) from local practice. 

If possible and relevant, include information about a) the design of the teaching module, b) the students´ digital production, c) promotion of digital literacy, and d) the involvement of the environment. 

If available: Flash a student´s learning product. 

Outline specifically: What worked well? How did the students respond? What was challenging? What could be further-developed? (How) do you include focus on sustainability?

New aspect: How/where could a cross-national aspect be added?