Dr. Christine Tomlinsson

Post Doctoral Researcher

Christine Tomlinson, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher with the SDU Metaverse Lab in the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark as well as an interdisciplinary researcher and lecturer at the University of California, Irvine. Christine has previously worked as a game studies specialist with the Digital Democracies Institute at Simon Fraser University and as the UX/UI lead with the User Research team at Activision.

Coming from a background of training in Sociology, Christine’s work has become heavily interdisciplinary and emphasizes player experiences and perceptions, video game content, and the broad landscape of play.

Research Interests

  • Player interactions and experiences
  • Gaming culture
  • Online cultures and interactions
  • Identity
  • Game design, aesthetics, and genre
  • Game development
  • Sociotechnical analytics
  • Game analytics

Current Projects

Christine is currently heading a project assessing player dynamics related to gaming and designing a website to help creators explore player behaviours. The researcher is also continuing independent work looking at game design and genre as well as dynamics of trust, emotions, and discourse as they relate to video games.

Selected Publications