Publications in MYRE DK-DE
MYRE DK-DE has actively promoted its mission and methods throughout the entire project period. As a result, stakeholders have been extensively engaged, and professionals have been invited to join the MYRE initiative and continue the journey together, also after the end of the project.
A few highlights from the promotional activities can be accessed here.
Events in MYRE DK-DE
Events in MYRE DK-DE have encompassed a range of meetings and seminars:
- Network meetings were open to all project members, first and foremost teachers, managers and involved stakeholders: The purpose of the network meetings was to support exchange among the participants and to promote the progression of the production.
- Workshops were optional for project members according to their needs and interests: The purpose was to contribute with technological inspiration. Conducted as short-lasting webinars, hybrid, or personal meetings.
- Steering group meetings with participation of the local project managers: A decision-making forum to ensure quality and value-addition of the project.
- Events were open for the public and especially stakeholders. Results and methods were presented, and the purpose of the events was broader implementation.